Hello friends!
By this time, many of you have received your backer rewards. I hope you are truly enjoying playing Beasts: Edge of Extinction! If you have any questions about game play, please do not hesitate to reach out to Riftway Games on Facebook, Twitter, or here on Kickstarter. I am always happy to help answer your questions.
There are still a very small handful of backers who have not yet filled out our GameFound Pledge Manager to receive their rewards. Please check your email for the invitation link or your Kickstarter messages for instructions on how to access it. If you do not see either of these, or you already filled out your survey but have not received your reward, please message directly for help. I want to make sure everyone gets everything they are due!
Dodo Care
Be sure to prime, paint, and/or clear coat your 3D resin printed dodo first player marker if you plan to keep it out of the box for extended periods of time near sources of UV light. This includes natural sunlight. While it doesn’t happen very quickly, resin is UV reactive, so the longer it is exposed it could have an adverse reaction like shrinking, splitting, or melting. Please take precautions to ensure the longevity of your dodos!
Game Expansion
On March 3rd we will be launching our first game expansion: Revenge of the Dodos
If you are a backer of Beasts: Edge of Extinction who downloaded the print and play files made available last year, you may remember that an early version of Revenge of the Dodos was included for you to play-test. I really appreciate all who provided feedback to help us finalize the cards and rules!
If you are still unfamiliar with the expansion, here is our current marketing blurb:
In Revenge of the Dodos, eliminated players now control a bevy of dodo spirits, each imbued with a unique special ability. It’s all or nothing, as you seek vengeance on the vile beasts ravaging dodo kind!
This fun little expansion has been play-tested throughout the last year, while awaiting the final production of the base game. We now believe it is ready to hit the market! This is a great time for those who missed our first campaign or who wish to pick up another copy of the Beasts: Edge of Extinction base game along with the expansion.
As always, we will be adding some fun exclusive items to your pledge levels as well as some early bird discounts. We hope each of you will be able to join us for the campaign!
Follow the Revenge of the Dodos campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1504559757/revenge-of-the-dodos

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