Have you ever wondered what would happen if an evil mad scientist created living voodoo dolls to steal away all your good luck, but the experiment went all wrong? Instead of stealing your good luck, they absorb Unluck! Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, they were locked away in an abandoned candy factory, awaiting the day for you to find them!

In Unluckables, each player is trying to adopt these cute little creatures and give them a new home. Many Unluckables have unique abilities that can be activated on your turn and there are plenty of items and tricks available in the Luck deck for your mischievous little friends to play on each other. Using their favorite candy treat – skellies – each newly adopted Unluckable increases your supply to adopt even more powerful Unluckables! But beware, as the dark cloud of Unluck hangs closely over their heads, forcing them to confront these dangers before they can be adopted.

In this 2-6 player take-that, trick taking, light engine builder card game, you strive to be the first to adopt enough Unluckables to end a single round with a supply of 13 or more skellies to win!
Artist Kristie Silva has been creating Unluckables since 2008, through a series of short web comics, paintings and crafts. She is the sister-in-law of Riftway Games owner and Unluckables game designer Derek Zyn. For more info on her and her current and future body of work, go to: http://www.unluckables.com/
The Unluckables game is currently slated for an October 2022 Kickstarter campaign launch with an anticipated March 2023 retail release. To stay up to date, join our mailing list! http://eepurl.com/gaETRr

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